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During the ten days before the 1.0 release, Blazing Bit Games released a concept art book on Twitter[1]. It contains original artwork by Gaunt.



The second session showed the patient has a penchant for all things bloody and violent.
Concerns of her sinking deeper into psychosis were well founded.


Bruno Beaudoin - Main Developer
Andrew Hulshult - Music Composer, Sound Designer
Brouzouf Jones - Enemy Artist, Concept Illustrator
Naomi Savoie - Illustrator
Marie-Claire Lavertu - Patient Voice Actor
Richard James Cook - Video Producer

Session One Painting

An angry, lost young woman.
Hopefully this experiment can help her past all of the trauma and resentment.
It may be unconventional, potentially damaging, but it appears no other options remain.

A Note of Caution

The following is strictly confidential, regarding the “experiences” of the patient in her fugue/dream state. It appears as a form of bestiary, cataloguing some of her hostile manifestations.

The experiment intends to purge these “demons“ from her psyche, to allow healing and growth from her mental state, to give her a chance at a normal, healthy life.

This list will come as a shock or surprise to those who have not been party to the experiment, it may be worth your time to do your research first.

The naming conventions are not definite, they change every retelling; observers may substitute their own for personal clarity.


"Fattie" or "Exploder"
Walking tumor throwing cancer

Fear of illness or infection, possibly from environmental factors, may be influenced by horror films, games.
Could factor in some overwhelming fear of diseases from other people, perhaps a manifestation of others hostile words and actions being thrown at her.


"Skitter" or "Puker"
Teeth and scrabbling claws with you as the target

This little nightmare gives the impression of the thing under the bed, or that which runs outside your window in the dead of night, wanting to impart its terrible gift.


"Brain Tank"

The brain may not be able to feel pain, but it sure can inflict it.

Looking like the result of invasive brain surgery, this entity is a shocking headache.

The continued perceived threats of lobotomy or other invasive corrective surgery may have some bearing on this.


"Floater" or "Caster"

Eldritch forms from the depths of insanity

She has been exposed to some Lovecraft, without a doubt.
Could be a manifestation of medication side-effects.


"Gunslinger" or "Stranger"
Many variants of the "Dead With Guns" influences from the many stacks of VHS B-movies, "video nasties" and retro video games

Major concerns over the genesis for this one. Suspicions it may be based on parents’ "friends".

Patient was always in close proximity to firearms yet was never able to use them, could have something to do with her fixations on gunfights.


"Dragon" or "Gargoyle"

An ever-present menace, a threat in all its forms.

Taps into the primal fear of reptilian faces and flapping wings. Distorted face and unnatural physiology may be influenced by scary stories or old computer games.

Aggressive invasive behaviour could be related to the patient's view of outsiders; hostile and interfering, vomiting hate and spreading lies.


"Summoner" or "Necromancer"

Wearing the noose and branches that ended his life, the desiccated robed corpse [that] summons more death as a crowd forms.

A suicide inference? Or a lynching? The ‘'crowding'’ seems to speak to a spectacle,
she is definitely obsessed with death.


"Fire Mage"

A floating humanoid carcass swathed in a filthy hooded cloak, an animal skull with burning eyes, glaring.

Probably a response to being burnt - cigarette burns are evident
perhaps some pagan/druidic influence?

Was she interested in such?


A force of burning destruction, pure and simple.

Patient was exposed to arson, or at least attempted arson; would have to assume parents trying to burn the evidence and destroy anything that incriminates them in a laundry list of wrongdoing.


"Spider Tank"
Biomechanical horror, militarized. Heavyweight, heavy duty.

Appears to be influenced by war films and body horror movies. Could represent an intimidating family member/acquaintance.

It would be very illuminating to gather a list of all the films she has seen and which stuck with her the most.


Mutilated upper torso forcefully merged into spherical hardware; the screaming visage of torture itself.

It would appear the patient has observed or been party to some extreme torture - potentially professional, there seems to be method to the madness.


"Ninja" or "Marionette"
A marionette of cadaver parts, manipulated by unseen hands

A sense of no control or being manipulated seems to influence this.
The bladed weapons and dissected corpse parts allude to a fear of surgery.


"Empiric" or "Beakie"
An insectoid walking upright, wearing classical plague doctor attire

Deep seated mistrust of the medical profession? Potentially a drug dealer acquaintance? Could be tied to the unsanitary conditions she was subject to - insects and vermin.


"Boil" or "Globber"
A shambling infected glob, spreading filth as it goes.

Grotesque and bloated, covered in sores and welts, seems to show either the conditions she was living in - or her impression of those she had to interact with; both parents and associates’.


"Ghost" or "Bride"
Torn carcass under a ripped sheet, vomiting hate

Appears to represent the Patient's feelings of hostility and frustration toward other people, them being nightmarish half-humans regurgitating hate and loathing toward her.

Elements of matronly malice are also apparent.

Session Three Sketch

It remains to be seen what else will show up in further sessions.
Many horrors are described, yet the descriptions are becoming vague and unreliable.
We must move on with the experiment.