Skill Tree

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The Skill Tree is the first cartridge that the player can acquire. The mini games found here are 2-D platformer-style games. In this skill tree you find upgrades for health and ammo capacity, higher resistance to elemental damage, the ability to keep higher level weapons, as well as skills like the dash or double jump.

The total cost of completing Skill Tree is Gold.png  201,261,000. This cost is offset by reimburses through achievement rewards that total to Gold.png  1,334,000, making the effective cost Gold.png  199,927,000.

World 1

Skill Cost Lvl count Trophies/treasure Unlocks
Max +20 life 10,000 3 2 trophies +20 start life and +15% walk speed
+20 start life 10,000 4 2 trophies N/A
+15% walk speed 10,000 4 1 trophy, 1 treasure +25% weapon switch speed and +10 heavy ammo
+25% weapon switch speed 10,000 4 3 trophies, 1 treasure +1 coin value, +1 weapon slot
+1 coin value 20,000 4 N/A +15% treasure value
+15% treasure value 20,000 4 N/A N/A
+1 weapon slot 10,000 4 N/A Boss, +10% ammo pickup value, +50% fire strength
+50% fire strength 7,000 4 1 trophy N/A
+10% ammo pickup value 10,000 4 N/A N/A
Boss 7,000 4 N/A World 2

The first two parts of the boss level, are just regular platforming parts. The first part is just walking around, while the second is jumping through the platform, all while dodging fireballs coming from the lava, the third level being the actual boss fight, where the player can only “defeat” the boss by just running past through the boss towards the end of the level when the boss bounces, before moving on to the final part of the level where they can finish World 1.

World 2


World 3


World 4


World 5


World 6


World 7


World 8